Friday, February 03, 2012

The "We the People"'s car

Spotted in Shadyside, Pittsburgh, today, a Beetle that's not afraid to wear its politics on its shell.

Look closely: We have the obvious "Te(a) Party" license plate, but also the "life member" (so amusing) of the National Rifle Association placard holder, and the "Jesus" and United States Marine Corps decals. All stuck to the back on the hippiest rendition possible of the current Bug model (i.e., those daisy light covers).

When I posted this on Facebook earlier today (with my own damn VIN showing--stupid! stupid! stupid! Once again God punishes me for my snarkiness), one friend commented that the plate should actually read "ASSHOLE." Fair enough.

Another thought that this model of the Beetle had no doubt replaced the bud vase with a gun post.

Me, I am sure the cigarette lighter is being used to charge up the driver's taser.

Really, there's so much going on, and so little energy in my death-rattled body (the head cold from hell continues) to convey it all, especially without an extended diatribe on Teabag Nation. And the less attention that group gets the better.

But really, Jesus and the NRA? The Tea Party and the USMC (kind of a major federal, taxpayer-funded initiative, that)? Dear driver, how in the name of Fahrvergnügen do you keep all those obstacles in your head without spinning out of control and crashing into the Jersey wall of Reality?

No worries. It's more of a rhetorical question. But I do find myself on the verge of a four-stroke engine of a mental brakedown (ahem) trying to comprehend it all.

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