Monday, March 30, 2015

Fashion statement

Capture from the NPR website
"To my loved ones: A bohemian artist has kidnapped me and forced me to play dress up with him, putting me in the most foppish clothing imaginable.

"Unless you pay $10 billion (in untraceable bills to a Nigerian prince) by midnight tonight, he will release the photos he has taken of me to the worldwide press, humiliating me for eternity and causing the stockholders for my widget-manufacturing enterprise to question my sanity and send company finances into a tailspin.

"lease help. Sincerely yours, Uncle Belmonde Jetset Hoi-Poloi III."

A failed blackmail attempt mayhaps, but the photos *are* fun.

If for no other reason than Ike Ude has an interesting, fascination vision.

Plus the fact that I'm sure the wealthy art benefactors seem to have no clue at how absolutely ridiculous the artist has made them look.

Thus this isn't so much a fashion statement. More of a question, really.

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