Saturday, July 28, 2018

Remade in the shade

And now for a shorter version of my "Made in the Shade" playlist from June 2018. Remade in the Shade focuses on the most mixable of the music from that playlist: A little bit of Poolside, a smidgen of Pino D'Angio, a soupcon of Silvetti, a big dollop of Stephanie of Monaco (because I can).

I think the DJs of the world have nothing to worry about. While some of my shorter mixes have attracted attention, what gets more noted and praised are my themed playlists--shortwave radio, Apartheid, things like that.

I don't have another theme in mind at the moment, at least not a fully formed one. But I'll get there. All in good time.

I hope you enjoy.

And, no, I have no idea why all the images I uploaded to MixCloud have suddenly disappeared.

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