Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Helpful hints from Hell-o-wheeze

"A small cup of coffee" by Julius Schorzman; CC BY-SA 2.5
Tips for making good coffee with a Keurig--

1) Use filtered water--it's tap water, sure, but a good filtration system will remove at least some of the additives (and funny taste) found in "city water"

2) Buy your K-cups on the cheap at Costco or Target--you often get 18 or more per package for the same price as 10 or 12 per box at your grocery store

3) Clean and recycle your K-cups--or use a reusable K-cup and make your own using your favorite brand or variety of coffee

4) Even though it's early in the morning and you're very, very sleepy, have enough damn sense to put the damn cup under the damn spout of your damn Keurig before you press the damn "brew" button--and for heaven's sake, don't walk away from the damn machine while it makes your damn coffee

5) Keep a mop and roll of paper towels next to your Keurig--you just may need it

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