Friday, October 12, 2018

Poor little rich model

Oh, please.

Try this:

1) Pick a better husband.

2) Don't repeat his birther lies.

3) Don't pretend you didn't cheat your way to an Einstein visa.

4) Do something meaningful other than your fake "Be Best" campaign.

5) Stop seeing yourself as a victim when you are clearly not--or at least not for the reasons you think you are.

Seriously, if you and that orang-uturd you're married to and those inbred in-laws of yours had made the slightest effort to bring people together instead of sowing disinformation and driving an even bigger wedge between people, maybe you'd be less "bullied." Maybe you would have ended up with much better results for your modest efforts. Maybe you might be liked or respected, however begrudgingly.

But y'all went in a completely different direction (remember "American carnage"?), so reap what you sow, babe.

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