Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The royal family

And they'll never be royals - "ClintonSenate"
by Unknown. Licensed under Public domain via
Wikimedia Commons
Over the weekend, Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hilary Rodham Clinton, gave birth to her first child. Despite the fact that this is something women do every day in every country on the planet, in far less plush surroundings with far less access to healthcare, it has taken the American news media by semi-storm.

Well, why not? There's nothing else much going on the world these days. *Cough* Ebola *cough* the Middle East *cough* oligarchy.

As part of the media cavalcade, CBS News referred to the Clintons as "American political royalty." Which is all true, of course.

It's just that they're more akin to the Grimaldis of Monaco rather than the Windsors of the United Kingdom. Although similarities to the Windsors in the '80s and '90s--Fergie having her toes sucked, Diana's affairs, Prince Charles covered in a blanket hiding in the back of a station wagon--wouldn't be amiss either.

Oh, but why cast aspersions on such a happy occasion. I'm sure no one will use this life event to their advantage . . . .

So congratulations, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Hilary! Can't wait for the photo ops on the non-campaign trail, Hil. And Bill, I'm sure you ordered your "World's Sexiest Grandpa" t-shirt during Chelsea's first trimester, so you're doing fine.

Business as usual for the both of you.

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