Saturday, December 03, 2011

The vinyl solution

One from my friend Øresund, who has excellent taste in music (often in agreement with mine--ha!):
The worst album covers ever created? from photographer Steve Carter
Feel free to pick your favorite--or whatever the opposite of favorite may be.

I have a few I like (in a perverse way) in particular:
  • Latin '80s rentboy-goes-to-hell Tino's cover for his solo "piece," Por Primera Vez. "Por Primera Vez" translates as "for the first time." From the look on Tino's face and this angle of his hips and crotch, methinks otherwise. But nice legs, Tino, all the same.

Tino - Por primera vez

  • Heino's Liebe Mutter. Even Mike Myers at his most Dieter-esque wouldn't be this perverse. It's like Norman Bates as played by a David Lynch extra shows up on your doorstep on Mother's Day--whether you're a mother or not--in need of some maternal bonding or bratwurst or both. "Bitte, Mama, give me your wurst." Brrrr.
  • Any and all of the gospel or family oriented groups (the Sherwood Singers, the Cooper Family, the Amason [or is that supposed to be "Amazon"?] Twins), who look like, in lieu of a marketing and costuming budget, were given a Kenmore sewing machine, some Simplicity patterns, yards and yards of old polyester, and an old Polaroid camera, and told to go at.
  • Cante Gitano by Argentina Coral. "Gitano" means "gypsy" in Spanish. I think the citizens of Argentina owe a huge apology to the Roma people for this album cover.
  • A Taste of . . . . I leave the rest for you to, uh, savor.
And there are more. So many more.

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